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We would be delighted to know if you have expertise in a relevant area that you would be willing to share with us. Do you have contacts in useful trades or professions? Have you experience of restoration work? We would be pleased to meet you, taok over the phone, or show you around Abberley Hall. Contact the Foundation to discuss this further or to arrange a meeting. Contact Us Now
Make a donation
The Abberley Hall Foundation is grateful for any donation. Whether large or small, you will be invited to choose whether to direct your gift towards one specific project or to be used at the Trustees' discretion. You may be sure, however, that we will steward your money wisely and according to your wishes. Please click on the link below to make a donation now.
In Good Company
The Abberley Hall Foundation is pleased to acknowledge gifts from over 80 Supporters.
Gifts of Cash by Gift Aid
If you are a tax payer, making a gift of any size using the Gift Aid scheme enables the Foundation to reclaim from the Government the basic rate of tax on the gift (currently 20%) which will already have been paid by the donor.
For example, if a donor wanted to give £100 a year for 5 years, The Abberley Hall Foundation would be able to reclaim from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) the basic rate of tax already paid by the donor, which works out at £25 a year. Over five years, therefore, the donor will have paid £500, but the Foundation will have received £625.
Higher rate tax payers are also entitled to claim higher rate relief via their Self Assessment Tax Return.
So, using the above example, as a higher rate taxpayer, you could also claim relief of £25 on the annual donation of £100. A total gift to the Foundation of £625 would therefore have cost you £375.
HMRC will automatically pay the Foundation a further 3 pence for every pound of Gift Aid donation it receives between 6 April 2008 and 4 April 2011.
Gifts of Land, Buildings, Shares and Securities
Here it is the donor, and not the recipient, who can achieve large tax savings on Capital Gains Tax, but on Income Tax as well.
All donations to charity of land, buildings, shares or securities now receive income tax relief at 100% of their market value. This meanas that if you give shares worth £100,000 to The Abberley Hall Foundation, you will receive income tax relief based on this in full, i.e. £40,000 for higher rate taxpayers. This relief applies whether it is an individual or a company disposing of the shares (the rate of relief in a company will be lower).
The donor can deduct the market value of the asset on the date of disposal plus any incidental costs of disposing of the asset (broker's fees etc.) less any consideration given in return for disposing of the assets and the value of any other benefits received by the donor, in consequence of disposing of the asset. Donors will claim the tax relief, at their top rate of tax, on their Self Assessment or Corporation Tax return.
The only requirements to make such a tax saving are that donors must:
Claim the tax relief themselves in their tax return
Give the following intact to the Charity (no sale required before gifting)
- Listed shares or securities
- Units in authorised unit trusts
- Unlisted shares or shares dealt with on a recognised stock exchange such as Alternative Investment Market
- Shares in open ended investment companies and interests in offshorefunds
Give the whole of a beneficial interestin land and buildings.
In addition to the Income Tax saving, donors gifting an asset to The Abberley Hall Foundation will not attract any Capital Gains Tax liability. If a taxpayer makes a gift with £100,000 worth of Capital Gains (after all available reliefs) to charity, there will be no Capital Gains Tax on this, a saving of £18,000.
Together these mean that a taxpayer gifting an asset worth £200,000 (with a capital appreciation of £100,000) could pay as much as £98,000 less in tax compared with a non charitable disposal: a truly great saving.
A Good Return on Your Investment
The Abberley Hall Foundation will steward your money wisely and according to your wishes. You may stipulate whether you would like your donation to be put towards the Restoration of the House and Grounds, Bursaries, or Future Developments. Alternatively you may request that the money be spent at the Trustees discretion. Whichever option you choose you may be assured that we will be as careful with your money as you would be yourself! We do not run a glamourous organisation and our overheads are very low. This is purposefully to ensure that every penny is being put to the best possible use.
We will recognise your contribution appropriately and, again, according to your wishes. You may wish to remain entirely anonymous and we would respect that desire. However, we hope that most supporters might be happy to see their name in print or on our website, not only so that we can thank them publicly, but also as an incentive to others who may be considering a donation. If you are thinking of becoming significantly involved with the Foundation or contributing to a specific project we would be happy to discuss a permanent link between you and the development in question.