Restoration of the House and Grounds

Abberley Hall has barely been touched since its heyday in the late 19th century.This makes it a treasure trove of authentic detail and one of the finest examples of provincial architecture left in the country. However it is also in need of some attention and this was highlighted by a report prepared by Historic Buildings Consultants in 2002. Read Report. The Foundation is addressing the issues raised in the report and commissioned Paine & Stewart, specialist conservators with excellent credentials in the world of Victorian architecture, to concentrate on repair, reinstatement of damaged paint and plasterwork, and careful cleaning of the main areas in the house:

In addition to the interior, there are also elements of the garden that are in need of urgent attention. Conservation work to the Balustrade has recently transformed the Balustrade next to the house, but the remaining 80% is in a poor state of repair.  There are other major heritage issues such as the Clock Tower, the Ice House, Lime Kilns and the landscaped pleasure grounds.

Parkland Plan 2013

This is to inform a ten year Higher Level Stewardship (HLS) agreement between the School and Natural England. The purpose of the Plan is to inform and guide day-to-day maintenance and management of the land in order to fulfil HLS ambitions; inform a programme of beneficial environmental management, ecological enhancement and conservation, restoration and repair of the historic landscape; and present a programme of work (both land management options and capital items) required to achieve the conservation and management objectives through a HLS agreement.
The study includes a detailed account of the history and evolution of the Abberley Hall designed landscape, and surveys of the ecology, archaeology, trees and woodland, structures and landscape. A statement of significance is then provided, together with the threats, issues and constraints that face the landscape. This leads on to the vision for the conservation and management of the historic landscape, management policies and guidelines, and finally the detailed recommendations.
This is to inform a ten year Higher Level Stewardship (HLS) agreement between the School and Natural England. The purpose of the Plan is to inform and guide day-to-day maintenance and management of the land in order tofulfil HLS ambitions; inform a programme of beneficial environmental management, ecological enhancement and conservation, restoration and repair of the historic landscape; and present a programme of work (both land management options and capital items) required to achieve the conservation and management objectives through a HLS agreement.

The study includes a detailed account of the history and evolution of the Abberley Hall designed landscape, and surveys of the ecology, archaeology, trees and woodland, structures and landscape. A statement of significance is then provided, together with the threats, issues and constraints that face the landscape. This leads on to the vision for the conservation and management of the historic landscape, management policies and guidelines, and finally the detailed recommendations.